The Twitter app icon next to the lock

Can You See Who Blocked You on Twitter?

Twitter provides a platform for open discussion, but this freedom can sometimes result in users blocking each other. Knowing how many accounts have blocked you on Twitter can offer valuable insights into your online interactions. 

This article details practical methods to identify blocked accounts, helping you navigate Twitter more effectively.

How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Twitter

One of the simplest ways to determine if someone has blocked you on Twitter is by noticing if their posts are missing from your feed. If you previously interacted with this person, their likes, replies, tweets, and media content will no longer appear. To verify, try visiting their profile. If you’re blocked, you’ll see a message that says, “You’re blocked. You can’t see or follow [user’s] tweets.”

Being blocked prevents you from following the account, seeing their notifications, future tweets, or tagging them in new tweets. Similarly, they cannot see your tweets, likes, or interact with you. This mutual invisibility ensures that both parties no longer see each other’s activities on Twitter.

Methods to Determine the Number of Blocked Accounts

Technique 1: Check Your Feed

To identify who has blocked you, search for the Twitter handles of users whose tweets no longer appear on your feed. Follow these steps:

  1. Log into Twitter using a web browser or app: Open your Twitter account using your preferred method;
  2. Use the search bar to type the Twitter handle of the suspected person: Enter the username of the person you think might have blocked you;
  3. Examine their profile for missing details: If their profile is missing information such as their website, location, joined date, user profile, likes, replies, tweets, etc., they might have blocked you;
  4. Visit their profile for confirmation: If you try visiting them and receive a prompt saying, “You’re blocked,” it confirms they blocked you.

Technique 2: Search for Their Profile

When someone blocks you, their profile will not appear quickly in search results, even when you search for their name. Here’s how to check:

  1. Log into your Twitter account: Open Twitter and log into your account;
  2. Use the search function: Enter the name or username of the person you suspect has blocked you;
  3. Check the search results: If their profile doesn’t show up in the search results, it’s a strong indicator that you’ve been blocked.

Technique 3: Log Out and Search

Logging out of your account and searching for the people you suspect might have blocked you can reveal recent activities that aren’t visible on your feed. This method helps confirm whether you’ve been blocked. Follow these steps:

  1. Log out of your Twitter account: Sign out of your account from the app or web browser;
  2. Search for the suspected person: Use the search bar to find the person’s profile;
  3. Compare the results: If their recent activities and profile appear when you’re logged out but not when you’re logged in, it indicates they’ve blocked you.

Technique 4: Use Incognito Mode

Using your browser’s incognito mode allows you to check Twitter profiles and see their tweets and activities without logging out of your account. This technique is useful if you want to keep your account logged in while investigating blocks. Here’s how:

  1. Open an incognito or private browsing window: Use your browser’s feature to open an incognito mode (private browsing);
  2. Navigate to Twitter: Go to Twitter’s website in the incognito window;
  3. Search for the user: Enter the username or name of the person you suspect has blocked you;
  4. Check their profile: If you can see their profile and tweets in incognito mode but not in your logged-in session, you’ve likely been blocked.

Getting a List of Blocked Accounts

Although Twitter doesn’t provide a direct list of accounts that have blocked you, you can discover the number of blocks using the Blolook app. This third-party tool connects to your Twitter account and displays the volume of blocks without identifying specific users.

To use Blolook, start by visiting the Blolook website. Once there, you need to log in with your Twitter credentials. The authorization process allows Blolook to connect to your Twitter account securely. After logging in, navigate to your account information. There, you will find a section labeled “accounts blocking you,” which indicates the number of accounts that have blocked you. This information can be insightful, helping you understand how your interactions on Twitter might be perceived by others.

Blolook provides a useful service for those curious about their block status on Twitter, though it maintains user privacy by not revealing specific details about who has blocked you. This approach ensures that you get the necessary information without compromising the privacy and security of other Twitter users.

Viewing Your Blocked Accounts on Twitter

To oversee and view the accounts you have blocked on Twitter, begin by logging into your Twitter account through a web browser or mobile app. After logging in, click on your profile picture in the top right corner to open the drop-down menu. From here, choose the “Settings & Privacy” option.

In the settings menu, you will find various options for managing your Twitter account. Navigate to the “Blocked accounts” section, which is usually found at the bottom of the side panel. Clicking on this option will display a comprehensive list of all the accounts you have blocked.

This list is a valuable tool for managing your Twitter interactions more efficiently. It allows you to review the accounts you have blocked and decide if you want to unblock any of them. This ensures that your Twitter experience is tailored to your preferences and free from unwanted interactions. Regularly checking this list helps you stay in control of your online environment, allowing you to promptly address any issues stemming from disruptive content or users.

Managing your blocked accounts on Twitter is an easy process that enhances your ability to maintain a pleasant social media experience. Whether your goal is to unblock certain users or to keep troublesome accounts blocked, the “Blocked accounts” section provides you with all the necessary tools to manage your social media interactions effectively.

Understanding Twitter’s Blocking Mechanism

Blocking on Twitter is a feature designed to help users control their interactions and maintain a positive experience on the platform. When you block someone on Twitter, it essentially creates a digital barrier between you and the blocked user. This action prevents the blocked user from seeing your tweets, following you, or sending you direct messages. Additionally, the blocked user cannot add you to lists, tag you in photos, or view your profile. This comprehensive blocking mechanism ensures that all potential avenues of unwanted interaction are effectively closed.

For the blocked user, your profile and tweets become invisible. If they attempt to visit your profile, they will receive a message stating that they have been blocked. This feature is particularly useful for dealing with harassment, spam, or any other type of disruptive behavior. However, it is important to note that blocking someone does not prevent them from mentioning your username in their tweets; you just won’t see these mentions in your notifications.

One significant aspect of Twitter’s blocking mechanism is that it works both ways. When you block someone, they also cannot see your activity, ensuring mutual exclusion. This means that not only are you spared from their content, but they are also completely removed from your Twitter experience. This mutual blocking feature is crucial for maintaining a healthy and stress-free social media environment.

Understanding how Twitter’s blocking mechanism works is essential for making informed decisions about whom to block and why. It provides a sense of control over your social media interactions, helping you create a safer and more enjoyable online presence. This feature is part of Twitter’s broader commitment to user safety and positive engagement on its platform.

The Impact of Being Blocked on Twitter Engagement

When you get blocked on Twitter, it can negatively affect your engagement and reach. Losing an audience member each time you are blocked can be particularly harmful if you are trying to grow your influence. Multiple blocks compound this problem, decreasing the visibility of your tweets and limiting potential interactions.

For content creators, blocks mean fewer retweets, likes, and replies, which are crucial metrics for measuring engagement. This drop in engagement can negatively impact your account’s overall performance. Twitter’s algorithm may interpret lower engagement as a sign of less valuable content, resulting in your tweets being less likely to appear in timelines and search results.

Blocks also distort your analytics, making it challenging to accurately gauge your audience’s preferences and behaviors. This can lead to misguided content strategies, as the metrics no longer reflect your full potential audience.

For professionals using Twitter for networking or marketing, being blocked by influential accounts can damage your reputation. It may indicate to others that your content or behavior is not well-received, possibly leading to more blocks and decreased interaction from other users. To avoid these issues, it’s essential to maintain a positive online presence and follow community guidelines, ensuring your engagement remains strong and your reputation intact.

Tips for Reducing the Number of Accounts Blocking You

To minimize the number of accounts blocking you on Twitter, it’s crucial to adopt strategies that promote positive interactions and respectful engagement. Here are some practical tips to help you reduce the likelihood of being blocked:

  1. Post Respectful and Thoughtful Content: Always consider the impact of your tweets before posting. Avoid controversial or offensive content that might provoke others to block you. Focus on sharing insightful, helpful, and positive information that adds value to your followers;
  2. Engage Positively with Others: Interact with your followers and other users in a positive and supportive manner. Avoid engaging in arguments or debates that could escalate and lead to being blocked. Instead, aim to contribute constructively to conversations and show appreciation for others’ viewpoints;
  3. Respect Privacy and Personal Boundaries: Be mindful of others’ privacy and personal boundaries. Do not share personal information without consent, and avoid tagging people excessively in tweets. Respecting these boundaries helps build a positive reputation and reduces the chances of being blocked;
  4. Use Twitter’s Features Wisely: Utilize features such as lists and mute to manage your interactions without resorting to blocking. If someone’s content is bothering you, muting them can be a less confrontational way to manage your feed;
  5. Stay Informed About Community Guidelines: Regularly review Twitter’s community guidelines to ensure your content and interactions adhere to the platform’s standards. Understanding and following these guidelines can help you avoid behaviors that might lead to being blocked;
  6. Handle Negative Feedback Gracefully: When you receive negative feedback or criticism, respond calmly and professionally. Avoid retaliating or engaging in heated exchanges. Handling criticism with grace can demonstrate maturity and earn you respect from the community.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a more positive and engaging presence on Twitter, reducing the number of accounts that block you. This approach not only enhances your online experience but also contributes to building a respectful and supportive community on the platform.


Understanding how many accounts have blocked you on Twitter can provide valuable insights into your online interactions and how others perceive your content. By using tools like Blolook and following the methods outlined, you can gauge the impact of your tweets and adjust your online behavior accordingly. It’s important to foster positive interactions, respect others’ boundaries, and adhere to community guidelines to minimize the number of blocks. 

This not only improves your experience on Twitter but also helps maintain a healthy and respectful online environment. By staying informed and engaging thoughtfully, you can reduce the chances of being blocked and enhance your overall presence on the platform.


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